Executive and Close Protection Security and International Travel Logistics Coordination

Checkmate Global provides highly trained and uniquely experienced Executive and Close Protection details for prominent and vulnerable individuals. Our Executive Protection personnel have worked at the highest levels within the United States Government and have protected President’s, Vice President’s, Cabinet Secretaries, Foreign Leaders, The Pope, Corporate Executives, High Net Worth Individuals and Prominent Citizens. At Checkmate Global we custom tailor our protection services for each client. We analyze our client’s needs, develop a threat matrix assessment and create a bespoke plan to encompass a comprehensive protection strategy, security coverage schedule 24/7/365 and travel logistics anywhere in the world. Our Executive Protection leadership team has over 100 years of combined protection experience as former federal agents, have been handpicked, and have met the highest of protection standards and training. Our management team and protection experts also provide:
Most importantly, Checkmate offers real world experience providing personal security around the globe in very complex and challenging environments, conditions and situations. Our professional personnel, maintain and encompass the highest training, while providing our services with the utmost discretion and dependability.